Tips About Crystal Shops

How to find crystal stores near me

my favorite Crystal store  image
I'm so excited to continue on with this amazing series here where i check out local la crystal shops. that i honestly love so much and today i am so excited to share with you this crystal shop i made a trip down to silver lake california to check out spellbound sky. now i will say this wasn't my first time shopping at spellbound sky. i've been there many many times i was so so grateful that the shop owners mark and martin let me film inside. honestly i love this crystal shop near me so much it's one that i love to bring my friends to and i'm excited to share this shop with you.

Hey guys i'm here with one of the shop owners here at spellbound sky. mark thank you so much for letting me film in here, your store is so amazing and thank you i just i love the vibe, i love everything that you've created here. how long have you had spelled out in the sky well. we started this is going on 11 years. we opened up in 2011. wow so yeah it's been an adventure what happened they say time class and you're having fun totally, speaking of fun what's your favorite aspect about owning a crystal shop.

Well we get to have a one-on-one personal experience with people, as they're going through their spiritual journey and we like just to be here and inspire them and empower them and so i think it's the connection that we like the best and just being able to provide the tools that get them to the next level. i love that so much, there's so much variety, there's so many crystals here, like indigo gabbro. i love it so much and i noticed there's also a lot of really cool candles, i would love to know like what are some cool on sky like specific things, that you guys create that you'd love to share with my audience.

We we started working with original candles well before we spellbound outside back in the 90s, actually and we found a way of doing them where we do the dressing our way. we have the crystals, we have the earthly elements we have the essential oils and we actually do me and martin my partner. we do a spiritual blessing on them every new room. so every batch is made special for us. the candles are made special for us, and we do our own blending, our blessing and whatever candles are from that specific blessing. that's it for them and then we we introduced a few years ago.

So number one don't pair it with a sky-high heel like we just talked about number two cover up the top portion of your body with a jacket.

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  • Los Angeles, California, United States